Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Cash Pay

First visit: $190

Subsquent visits: $145

5+ visit package: $650, or $135/hr for 5-9 hours of service

10+ visit package: $1,250, or $125/hr for 10 hours or more of service

AlterG Antigravity Treadmill

AlterG Antigravity Treadmill

No Charge for active PT patients

$.50 per minute or

$100 per unlimited monthly use

30 min FREE first trial!


  • Discounts available for sponsored groups/athletes
Bike Fitting

Bike Fitting Services

Full Bike Fit: $130/hour (2-5 hours required)

Saddle Finder, crank finder, cleat adjustments all fall under standard bike fitting hourly rate.

Discounts available: 

  • Pre-purchase packages (see Cash-based Physical Therapy packages for prices)

  • Sponsored organizations currently contracted with Prevail PT and/or R2 Bicycles



Note cost of “orthotic devices” are only for actual orthoses, not the service required before and after orthotic fabrication. 

Orthotic devices*:

First Pair: $490 (devices only)

Second Pair: $275 (devices only)

Orthotic service*: Evaluation with gait analysis and feet castings are required before the orthotic prescription is developed and the devices are fabricated. 5 visits are recommended. If health insurance is not covering services, the 5+ visit PT package discount is recommended, otherwise cost is the same as the $145 hourly PT rate.

o 1st hour/visit PT evaluation with interview and history

o 2nd hour/visit Gait analysis data collection

o 3rd hour/visit Gait analysis data review

o 4th hour/visit Orthotic prescription development, feet casting, additional testing as needed.

o 5th hour/visit orthotic devices issued and fitted. Scheduled approximately three weeks after casting visit.

o Additional 1-3 hours/visits are recommended for adjustments and final gluing, spaced 1-2 weeks apart to allow time for client to test orthotics before returning.

*Most health insurance benefits cover the orthotic evaluation, analysis, casting, fitting, & adjustments under normal Physical Therapy billing codes. However, the fabrication of orthotic devices may or may not be covered separately.

Running Analysis

Running & Walking Services*

Running/gait analysis*: $130/hour (3 hours recommended)

$145/hour, 3 hours minimum, 5+ hours recommended. If paying entirely “out-of-pocket,” Prepaid PT package is recommended for 5+ visits at $135/hr. Includes USB drive with raw videos and pedobarography reports. 

Three hour minimum includes:

o 1st hour/visit: PT evaluation with interview and history

o 2nd hour/visit: Gait analysis data collection

o 3rd hour/visit: Gait analysis data review, brief summary of findings.

Additional 2-5+ hours suggested as indicated by findings;

  •  Additional testing: Electromyography functional muscle recruitment measurements
  • Functional, sport/activity-specific strength control testing
  • Development of recommended exercises to address noted areas of opportunity for movement mobility, strength and control.
  • Discussion of possible equipment strategies, such as orthotics, bracing, taping, footwear, etc.
  • Discussion of in-house or other referrals to specialists as indicated by findings.
  • Discussion/development of training plan or training modifications.

Discounts available:

  • Pre-purchase packages (see Cash-based Physical Therapy packages for prices)
  • Sponsored organizations currently contracted with Prevail PT and/or R2 Bicycles

* Gait analysis is covered by insurance under standard Physical Therapy services. Check individual policy for physical therapy benefits. Insurance will only cover one hour per day, so multiple visit days are required. In some cases, multiple hours may be scheduled in one day if insurance is covering one hour and client is paying “out-of-pocket” for remaining service hours.

PEARL Performance Lab

Performance Lab

$145/hour, 3 hours minimum, 5+ hours recommended. If paying entirely “out-of-pocket,” prepaid PT package is recommended for 5+ visits at $135/hr. Discussion with clinician required to identify specifics of services to be provided.